There are over 400 seaweed varieties worldwide, popularly known as Sea Vegetables, seaweeds have been used for thousands of years. For the Japanese in particular, seaweeds remained the foundation of their diet till today and the trend of consuming seaweed as health food is fast spreading to China and other South East Asian countries like Malaysia. The demand for seaweed and its related products are expected to continue surging as more and more research and scientifically verified publications cited the goodness and benefits of seaweed.
Studies conducted over the years had shown that seaweed offer the broadest range of minerals of any food can offer and are an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-vitamin folate, B-vitamins riboflavin and pantothenic acid. In addition, seaweed contains significant amounts of lignans.Studies have concluded that seaweed is up to 60 times more potent than land-based vegetables. Cultures that have traditionally eaten seaweed-based diets have historically shown fewer instances of obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases. Studies of large groups of people who eat seaweed regularly tend to show lower risk of breast cancer than those who eat more meats. Women in Japan, for example, have fewer cases of breast cancer than women in the United States. The followings are among the widely reported benefits of seaweed in recent years and studies are still on going in many parts of the world to unravel further the wonderful secrets that seaweed can offer mankind.
Cancer Prevention
Lignans have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis, or blood cell growth, the process through which fast-growing tumors not only gain extra nourishment, but send cancer cells out in the bloodstream to establish secondary tumors or metastases in other areas of the body. In addition, lignans have been credited with inhibiting estrogen synthesis in fat cells as effectively as some of the drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. In postmenopausal women, fat tissue is a primary site where estrogen is synthesized, and high levels of certain estrogen metabolites are considered a significant risk factor for breast cancer. In addition to lignans, seaweed is also a very good source of the B-vitamin folic acid. Studies have shown that diets high in folate-rich foods are associated with a significantly reduced risk for colon cancer.
Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Heart Disease & stroke
As a good source of magnesium, consumption of seaweed has been shown to reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart attack. In addition to that, seaweed has low-calorie and contains Eicosapentaenoic Acid, or EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid which help to keep the heart strong and healthy. It is also widely reported that Folic acid in seaweed helps to break down an intermediate dangerous chemical called Homocysteine which can directly damage blood vessel walls, and high levels of this chemical are associated with a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Relieve Stress
Seaweed also has been proven to provide support through stressful situations by supplying not only magnesium, but two B-vitamins, pantothenic acid and riboflavin which are necessary for energy production. Pantothenic acid is especially important for the health of the adrenal glands. The adrenals control many body functions and play a critical role in resistance to stress. When supplies of necessary nutrients like pantothenic acids are inadequate, stressful times can exhaust the adrenal glands resulting in chronic fatigue, reduced resistance to allergies and infection, and a feeling of being overwhelmed or overly anxious
Prevent Goiter
As nature’s richest source of iodine, seaweed is the best iodine supplement needed in human body. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormone needed for the body. Without sufficient iodine, the body cannot produce thyroid hormones . As these hormones regulate metabolism in every cell of the body and play a role in almost virtually all physiological functions, lack of iodine can have a devastating impact to a person. A common sign of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland , commonly called a goiter.
As Antioxidant
Vitamin A and Vitamin C in seaweed are antioxidant vitamins that help to build a strong immune system in the body. Maintain Healthy Joints Vitamin C in seaweed also allows your body to synthesize cartilage to maintain healthy joints. It is often said seaweed is a natural collagen for joint cartilage
Lower Cholesterol
Seaweed is a great source of soluble fiber that turns into a gel, slowing down the digestive process, thus inhibiting the absorption of sugars and cholesterol.
The above listed benefits are based on feedbacks from our consumers and various research results as widely reported in the internet. TEAMSeaweed is not accountable on the reliability of the information.
Premium Sea Birdnest

Ocean Fresh Seaweed (a.k.a. Sea Bird Nest) is 100% organic coral grass, a valuable gift from sea.
It is grows naturally and contains no artificial fertilizer and no bleaching chemical. We are an expertise in dried cottoni seaweed and our own farms, drying platforms and warehouses are located at Indonesia.

Premium Seaweed - Soaking just for 10 minutes.
No cooking needed, just soak for 10 minutes with purify water and ready for consumption.